This dissertation presented a simulation method for producing ideal echoed data based on the analysis of the point ideal echoed signal model , the 2 - d format of the echoed data and the feasibility of creating simulation geography map using bmp images for distributed targets . simulation results proved that this method is efficient and reliable for the study of imaging algorithms and validation of the system parameter settings 论文讨论了系统点目标回波信号的理论模型,分析了回波信号的二维数据格式,描述了利用位图图像生成分布式目标仿真地形图的方法,在此基础上给出了一种理想情况下回波仿真数据的产生方法,用它来进行成像算法研究及检验系统参数设置的合理性非常有效可靠。